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Thanksgiving Desserts Without Pumpkin

Thanksgiving season is upon us, and with it the scramble for good Thanksgiving desserts. And I don’t know about you, but I am sick of “Thanksgiving dessert” being equated with pumpkin pie. I mean, really? Is that all you got? There have to be some good Thanksgiving desserts without pumpkin.

And good news – there are! Check out this roundup of the best pumpkin free Thanksgiving desserts the internet has to offer. And don’t worry, these delicious no pumpkin desserts still contain all of your favorite fall flavors (besides for pumpkin, that is.)

Thanksgiving Desserts Without Pumpkin

Some other recipes you may enjoy:

Caramel Cheesecake
Quick Pickle Recipe
Israeli Chicken Shawarma
Oatmeal Cookies with Oil

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Sonila

    What a great list of desserts for Thanksgiving!! I love this time of the year:). Thank you for including one of my recipes in the roundup.

  2. Dominique Brooks

    Thank you for this — I like pumpkin but by Thanksgiving, I have had enough! These are great options!

    1. Bee - Bites 'N Pieces

      You’re welcome!

  3. Great no pumpkin holiday dessert list! It sucks when the dessert table is full of pumpkin pies or pumpkin cheesecakes from different places Having different options is nice!!!

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